The Franciscan Alumni Association does not collect dues, and none of its board members, officers, or members receive payments of any kind. All the FAA’s work is accomplished by volunteers who provide from their treasure, so they can share their time and talent with the organization.
Donations of your time and talent are always welcome, as well as from your treasure. Funds donated to the FAA are used to publish and distribute a yearly newsletter, facilitate the yearly reunion overhead expenses, maintain our website, cover administrative costs, and most importantly to forward our mission “Inspired by Franciscan values, we seek to serve the Risen Christ by fostering fraternity and communion among members and assisting the work of the Order of Friars Minor in the United States provinces and missions.”
There are two ways you can donate to the FAA:
First, you are welcome to use our PayPal interface. You can access PayPal account by clicking here, or by using the QR code to the right.
The PayPal website will open in a new browser tab with instructions on how to donate.

Second, you are welcome to send us a check using the United States Postal Service. Please make your check payable to the Franciscan Alumni Association. The address is:
Franciscan Alumni Association
c/o St. Anthony Friary
5000 Colerain Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45223
Please note that the FAA treasurer stops by the Friary every month or so. If you would like to let the treasurer know you have sent a donation, you can email him at: [email protected].
Thank you in advance for your generosity! Your donation will make a difference.